Sunday, May 16, 2010

Trading in Toys

As Mark grows older his toys need to reflect his current activity level. Since his birthday and Christmas are one in the same, the challenge is to figure out how to acquire age appropriate toys yet not spoil him or condition him to expect new things all the time. We have implemented an exchange program, and it's working pretty well.

We're pretty much regulars at Belles and Beaus Consignment Boutique. I discovered it when Mark was about five or six months old. I loved the concept and saw this as a way to help de-clutter some of the baby stuff we had acquired during our long wait for Mark. Since we hadn't known what age/sex child would join our family we'd amassed a collection of stuff that wouldn't be used. Our weekly trip to Belles and Beaus also encouraged me to get out of the house with Mark. So in a way it was also therapeutic for a new mom.

Mark loves going there, in fact if we pass by the building and don't go in he will say "Hi Belles and Beaus!" Occasionally he'll ask to go to Belles and Beaus, and has been known to throw a tantrum or two if we don't go there. He's had free reign of the store since he was able to crawl, and feels like it is a second home. They have a toy room there, and Mark loves to check out the toys. I get great ideas watching him play as to what sort of toys he likes now.

Anyway, back to the point of this post.

In order to get new toys for Mark as well as get rid of the ones he's outgrown we've implemented a trading system. It's pretty simple- when he finds a toy that he likes at Belles and Beaus we ask them to hold it for us. We then go home and pick out a toy or two that he is not using anymore and has outgrown. Those toys go to Belles and Beaus to be sold, and he gets to buy the one that he wants. He's learning cause and effect from this- because he's taking toys to be sold he gets to buy a new one. So far so good, and it's a great way to de-clutter the toys that aren't being used anymore.

So if you are in the League City area, check out Belles and Beaus. They have more than just toys- they have clothing, supplies, and more. It's a great store.

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